Have you ever thought why so many people are poor and few are rich?
Why some are what you call gorgeous and others are just plain, average-looking?
Why there are superior white race and well, us…in the brown?
The famous and the nobody, the wizard and the dumb, etc.etc?
All these are indications of one thing, the inequality in life.
If these thoughts entered your mind in one time or another,
you must have asked yourself why life is not fair.
Maybe, it’s true. .
But on the other hand, maybe it’s not.
Going back to the question why there are rich and poor people?
What do we mean by rich and poor?
I may be financially poor but rich in wisdom and good judgment.
A person may be famous but lack the privacy that an ordinary person enjoys.
What about being gorgeous and just plain-looking?
Have you forgotten that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, literally speaking?
That is why we are created with minds and senses to make our own opinion.
What is common to me may be the most beautiful to others.
To each his own, so to speak.
If we’re going to look around us and focus on what we have
instead of feeling deprived because of the things that we don’t have,
we will realize that there are so many things to be thankful for.
There are many things that we take for granted
because they happen to be just there in front of us.
We see them but never really look at them
A person cannot have everything in life.
Blessings are like rain poured on everyone.
You may have some while others have their share.
So be thankful for these drops of blessings.
If we like them to stay with us,
we must be careful enough so they won’t drift away.